
viernes, 29 de mayo de 2015


Last weeks elections scared hell of a lot out of many people from the capitalist world.And I think there´s a reason.On the other hand should we blame Spanyards,for being tired cheated by corrupted politicians,or according to many analysts Spanish voters are politically illiterate and they follow more emotions then logics.

First of all I didn´t read the preelections program of the pro-communist party,but what I´ve heard all this time from TV and have read about these guys,their financing sponsors,then it makes you think about it.
One of the things they want to stop evictions,but in this case we have to make all real estate business to belong to the state and thus there won´t be any evictions.This is pure Soviet system.Well,we know that the banks have money and power and I don´t think they´ll agree on this kind of business.They simply will say to these guys,O.K.if pay what they owe us no problem.
Another thing;they want to rise the taxes,but the question is to whom?

To give the power to the Soviets,kind of people´s council.Well,we know what´s the end of these kind of powers.Do they want to eliminate the private property?What are they going to do with rich and well-off people?The situation is getting more dangerous if they´ll try to divide Spain into two enimy camps.But what will be the reaction of EU and "mam"Merkel,who simply can give them couple spanks .
Should I start packing the bags?